Iconic W77 ST AI2

It is our firm belief that the window is always part of the interior design concept. In these cases you might need something extra; extra character, extra bravura, extra attitude. You can have it with Iconic W77ST AI².

A clean Minimal Design, a fascinating industrial look or a retro feeling?

Queue your personal taste.
Take it to the next level.


The conjunction of sashes never looked sleeker. The integrated adjoining profile minimizes the central vertical profile view to just 89mm and the perimetrical contour to 68mm only. Boundaries are being eliminated.


God is in the details, they say. Change one detail and see a new creation. That is what we did and created a different perspective. Now the inner contour of the window is no longer plain-looking. The effect is iconic. Ready to become a part of a new creation.


Specially designed T - profiles with inner reinforcement upping of just 10mm, ideal for sturdy constructions with wide openings, consistent with modern architectural trends.


This exclusively developed and uniquely designed collection of profiles allows you to create window walls with an exemplary industrial look and feel.
Form follows function, they said. We glorified form by concealing the functional components.
Hinges to open or tilt that go undetected.
The CE edition allows for 180º opening.
Handles so sophisticated that render grace to industrial design.


We made it incomparable in terms of energy performance, inviolable and impermeable. We made it complete and versatile so you can make it wonderful.


Different conditions in environment and climate demand tailored solutions. There are four energy level variables to this product so you can devise the best answer to any demand.